About Me

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My name is Jackie and I like to take shitty photos, sometimes I string together a fairly good sentence. My imagination is always on overdrive and I have a kickin' life.
All the text on this page is written by Jackie Casey, unless otherwise credited.

Friday, January 8, 2010

...considering how you sleep in summer.

This photo makes happiness and excitement swill in and around my insides. I haven't felt totally relaxed this whole holidays, except for the couple of beach trips we took at the beginning of the holidays where we sat in Cavill Mall eating ice-cream and observing schoolies. But to be totally free with my best friend and parents on an island in the Asian tropics is going to be something else altogether.
I'm 19 in eleven days which TERRIFIES me. I want everlasting youth, I have never been one of those people who has romanticised ageing or growing up. I'm like Peter Pan. Wendy was an ill-informed dud. But like everything in the world,I have to take it on the chin and milk it. I'm going to be a mental case this year. Staying up til the sun, practical jokes, being retarded in public and justifying it by the fact I am a teenager. Last year, I got a book called 'Thing I wish I knew when I was Eighteen,' and I read it again the other night for pearls of wisdom. These are my two favourites.
'You don't get happy, acquire happy or achieve happy, you just decide to be happy.'
-Simon Mackae
'I decided to make money at what I was good at and leave what I loved for my spare time. THERE IS NO SPARE TIME. There is no spare time.'
-Steven Johnson

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